Under the Dictatorship of DA Nancy OMalley, Felons have the Right to Expunge their Name but Innocent Victims of Crime have No such Rights to Clear their Names of the Criminal Records of their Assailants

And the better question is how do innocent victims of crime end up with the felony records of their assailants attached to their public records?

These are innocent people, where is the FBI to arrest these criminals in the ACDA office who intentionally set these victims of crime up to become victims of secondary stalking and assaults?

What kind of fascist regime is O’Malley running when she is giving  felony records to the innocent for which they have to right to trial or expungement?

This is a lynching of the innocent who have already been victimized once by an incompetent and corrupted judicial system, but Nancy still felt it necessary to set these innocent people up to get hurt again.

This is a human rights issue as these innocent people are now stuck with massive medical bills due to the assaults caused by  by Nancy O’Malley posting police victim statements along with the felony records of their assailants into public records.

Essentially putting a public records hit on victims of crime. This is a modern day Oakland city Government lynching of innocent people of color.

When these victims attempted to contact the Alameda County District Attorney Victim Witness Division to ask the exact process to have a public record of the crimes in which they were victims sealed the ACDA officers used a fake name of Mary and refused to answer any questions.

Why would an officer of the court acting in an official capacity when asked a direct and reasonable question pretend to be someone named Mary and hang up on the innocent victim of crime for whom they are paid to serve as officers of the Alameda County District Attorney Victim Witness Division?

These innocent people had to fight with all of their might for almost 2 years to clear their defacto criminal records from google searches but there is nothing to stop these public records from being accessed again after these innocent people rebuild their lives.

Victims of crime deserve a structured process to maintain their innocence. A process that is at least as easy as a felons right to expungement. Victims of Crime deserve a real legal process of self protection and victims rights that are not reliant upon the generosity and kindness of ACDA’s who often have neither generosity nor kindness for the innocent people they are paid to protect.

This is an atrocity and a human rights violation that leaves innocent people with no where to turn to have their rights protected and thousands of dollars in debt for the injuries caused by the assaults. The exact assaults that were reported to the office of Nancy O’Malley before they happened and could have been prevented if at that time these records were removed and witnesses and victims properly protected, threats investigated and suspects arrested. These assaults were directly caused by the release of their crime victims data into public records by Nancy O’Malley the ACDA.

So we have officers of the court causing crime upon the innocent and no legal remedy or medical restorative care for victims of  the ACDA criminal conduct?

How can this be the state of our great state in 2020?

These are innocent people who did not deserve to be attacked or injured by the actions of Nancy O’Malleys office and they deserve to at the very least have their medical costs covered and assurances that they will not be attacked again as convenient political scapegoats for ACDA incompetence.







shoshana profile pic

Shoshana Walter with MALICE posted to the public web falsified officer involved homicide reports prepared by the former Rider Officer Gantt* cyber targeting innocent people who made statements that contradicted police account of police shootings.

Officer Gantt was already fired once for evidence tampering in a rape case and federally indicted in the “Riders” case then secretly rehired to work Officer Involved Shootings by  OPD . “Riders” officer Gantt is currently represented by alleged civil rights attorney Dan Seigal who founded the paid activist group named  Anti Police Terror Project also known as APTP.

“Corrupted OPD have fancy civil rights lawyers but victims of corrupted OPD have none.”

Signed, a victim of OPD violence: This story is so familiar, like regular Oakland corruption politics.

In this latest crime against public trust “Rider” Officer Gantt* and associates knowingly colluded with the ACDA office and self described “cops” reporter Shoshana Walter to release these falsified manufactured statements, falsified witness quotes, falsified fact patterns and falsified homicide reports from secret cloud accounts owned by Shoshana Walter and tag innocent victims and witnesses names online.

The falsified reports were given to Shoshana by DA Creighton with knowledge the reports had been produced by formerly indicted”Rider” Gantt and Nancy OMalley with the express intent to be posted from Shoshana’s secret cloud account to target innocent victims and witnesses online professional searches. Creating the erroneous image of these innocent victims and innocent witnesses as if they have a police record when in fact they are victims of violence and innocent witnesses to police killings.

These victims and witnesses have made statements that unknowingly contradicted the official police version of events.

This is retaliation and further harm by a guilty and corrupted DA, police and politicians to aggress already injured 100% innocent people that miraculously survived police bullets and deserve to live in peace and not be continually harassed. The Oakland cesspool of smarmy government and police corruption colluded with Shoshana to hurt these people because they have ongoing fear of these innocent unarmed people.

The Shoshana Walter secret cloud accounts were discovered by intense independent investigation. The finding of Shoshana was not expected by these parties and they are not happy she is now known, they wanted her participation to remain secret but she is now outed. Shoshana posted false homicide data but contained within the false homicide reports they intentionally endangered innocent people by releasing full names and addresses of elderly victims and witnesses inciting malicious PHYSICAL  and CYBER attacks on these innocent people. These false reports are intentionally polluting the online job search and housing search reputations of innocent people.

Typical Oakland city government cesspool making efforts to ruin the lives of innocent victims to advance their careers. Politicians such as Dan Kalb while intentionally ignoring the injury to the innocent victims of police violence with one hand and pushing his “plan” for police accountability. Dan has with knowledge of the problem chosen to ignore the pleas of victims for relief from this official cyber terrorism in favor of his personal career and political advancing of his personal political power.

Survivors of police shooting currently being abused by the exact same people pretending they are the solution.  Despite the official false claims of the city to desire fair and just policing they are going the opposite direction in destroying evidence and rewriting facts. Then going further in harming the innocent victims  by refusing to even notify these human beings they may be in danger by the release of the malicious reports.

DA John Creighton the author of the erroneous reports has failed in his obligations to the public. John failed in ethics and failed to protect these innocent people by providing basic notice that their previously private names and addresses had been with malice re-designated as public and posted on Google.  At the time of this  post we have yet to hear one word from the Mayor.

These are innocent people who suffer with the trauma of witnessing death, some of whom were injured when forced into the direct line of police bullets. These innocent people who did their civic duty to protect the community from having to endure this kind of endangering conduct are now without representation or the proper legal protections from this failing Oakland government. Despite their repeated false claims of desiring fair and just policing they are intentionally denying that fairness and that justness from innocent victims.


  • Some innocent survivors of OPD have reported being physically attacked by  members of Dan Seigals organization APTP.  Strangely the same victims of Dan Seigals organization APTP are coincidentally also survivors of shootings investigated by  Dan Seigals client and OPD Rider Michael Gantt. But I am not speculating that all of these characters are knowingly colluding, you can do that on your own when following the guilty profiteers and criminal benefactors of OPD corruption.

~You may make a complaint against Shoshana at – Society of Professional Journalists

You may also make a complaint against Shoshana Walter for cyber terrorism by clicking here REPORT SHOSHANA TO THE IC3 FOR HARASSING VICTIMS OF CRIME

Donate to help victims clear their names and keep exposing this corruption by clicking here Help Innocent Witnesses Clear Their Names

Also see the human rights abuses of the CPRB by clicking the Link /Title Below

read more about the historic Rider Civil Rights Case by clicking here Oakland Police Riders Wiki Page    and here for the court orders etc Riders Trial Court Documents

*Officer Gantt is a former Rider working with Shoshana and the DA John Creighton to intimidate victims/witnesses. http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2016/06/17/source-oakland-cop-on-leave-for-having-girlfriend-help-with-police-reports/

*This terrible abuse of power begs the question? Do victims of crime and witnesses to police killings deserve a digital privacy policy so they can participate in their judicial system without vindictive officers of the courts colluding to harm their legal rights in retaliation for having done their civic duty? And what are the obligations of the state when officers abuse their power to intentionally harm the online digital life of innocent people just so they can advance their political power grab and career goals?

This entire karmawon site was created  to address the harm being done to innocent witnesses by the DA the Police and Shoshana Walter the “cops reporter.” After I asked her to remove the malicious links and she refused claiming the DA allows her to do this. I complained to the DA and they said the police allow them to do this. I complained to the Police and they say the DA is to blame and the circle starts again. I built this site. I did not know her or anything about these malicious conspiracy until I found her behind the links.   I had no interest in her or any of this political horror story prior to this conspiracy and her aggression to innocent witnesses and injured people. I had moved on with my life and put these tragedies behind me. This site since expanded it to include key important aspects of the survivor journey as it examples the horrific state of powerless voiceless human rights abuses that we have endured without any fairness or justness being bestowed upon us.

See more about Shoshana at – Shoshana Walter Cyber Terrorist

A Funny Little Fable About Gun Control & Good Police

The funny little fable about the brain injured man with a metal plate in his head who was able to plan a police shooting. The man was under the care of a therapist and who because of Gun Control Laws was barred from owning a real gun. This man devised a clever yet insane plan to use a Toy gun to intentionally incite the police to do all the shooting for him. The police knew all about the plan for 3 months and did nothing to stop this crime. The police were more than willing to become the gun this man couldn’t legally buy.  Even worse than refusing to stop this felony they gleefully went along with the plan fully participated in the plan to shoot the innocent people as the brain injured man had predicted they would. And when they were done being the gun that shot the innocent people they then set upon a course of action that intentionally destroyed the lives of whatever witnesses were still alive.

Oh yes in this shocking fable- Instead of placing the brain injured man who was randomly also on probation on a 51/50 hold or outright arresting him for making these types of threats to cause a police shooting- The police allowed themselves to become part of the plan. They left the 911 callers to wait  a full hour on hold on the day of the shooting before arriving. During that hour the victims repeatedly informed the 911 operator of the plan and the fact that it was a toy and repeatedly insisted the police do not fire their weapon because to do so would be unsafe for the victims. After 1 hour of the victims begging for their lives to the 911 operator pleading for police to not shoot the police finally show up and within 1 minute of arriving without even entering the door the police shoot over a dozen bullets blindly at the innocent people through the exterior wall of the dwelling despite the victims now screaming “Don’t shoot” over and over again their pleading for their lives.

Oh yes hard to believe but in this little fable about gun control police knew 3 months in advance of a shooting in which they themselves would be the shooters and they had another hour of leaving the victims on hold with 911 only to arrive and start shooting as if they did not have 3 months notice they would be the only real guns at this gun fight.

This funny little fable serves as a warning that absent police being either responsive to victim testimony or disarming the police- The Police themselves can be easily used by any person with this formula to cause a mass shooting even after the voters have passed the strongest gun control laws.





And if you want to read more fun stories please go back a few pages and enjoy the true stories of the horrific systemic abuse of innocent violence survivors at the hands of corrupt police, a complicity city government and an ethically compromised DA.







There are no services nor agencies available to help you.

Dear Voters ~Please provide some helpful services and laws that support the human rights of victims of crime. Please provide medical, food, and the appropriate help to survivors of gun violence. After these great tragedies survivors of gun violence shouldn’t have our ability to recover left up to a Go-Fund Me page.

It is currently legal for District Attorneys to release horribly endangering personal information of gun violence victims. I know of several victims and witnesses who have had their name, statements to police, address, email and the felonies committed by their assailants listed as if the victim had a record, all posted to Google searches by District Attorneys who wanted these innocent people to get hurt. This outrageous breach of privacy by District Attorneys against victims of gun violence lead to those innocent victims to be victimized again by secondary stalking, cyber stalking, death threats and actual physical assault. I know innocent victims of gun violence who to this day still fight the negative impact of false police reports released by the District Attorney. These secondary waves of crime against innocent survivors was directly due to reports released by the District Attorney and produced by a police departments so inept and so corrupt they are essentially under Federal Receivership. Is this how you want gun violence survivors to be helped by the system, to be intentionally endangered by corrupted elected officials and corrupted police?

The failure of all these agencies to provide safe and helpful services to victims of gun violence is an unfair burden placed upon the backs of the innocent, elderly, women and children. Even worse than not helping there seems to be an effort to intentionally further harm certain select victims of gun violence. There is not a single agency available to help people through these horrific violent shooting events, not an activist nor a structural service able to provide for their health or right to recovery.  Victims are left with high medical bills, loss of safety and no meaningful assistance.

Surviving the actual shooting is only the first of your fights for your life. You will have to keep fighting for your life but now the assailant is the high medical bills, lack of actual realistic services and the inhumane failures of the system itself.

I wish you the best of luck surviving what comes after surviving the shooting.

I wish you the best of luck.

bullets for karmawon header

SURVIVOR P.S.A. #metoo

Dear Women of the world~


It is unfortunate that police lacking accountability and corruption contributes to the violence against women and the police themselves are often the mechanism for violence against women. Police will often create the circumstances in which you need rescue by performing thoughtless and dangerous tactics. Dangerous tactics similar to the young lady they rescued from a male kidnapper by shooting her in the head. Dangerous police tactics can also including the very simple yet highly patriarchal trait of -Failure to listen and respond appropriately to facts provided by a woman because as a woman they deem your eyesight less credible than their blind errors. This obtuse police behavior can lead to failure to best provide for your safety based your gender.  After their thoughtless and dangerous procedure endangers you. They will then often over shoot your unnecessary rescue nearly murder your entire family in their one sided gun fight and then cowardly blame what they consider your natural womanly trait of hysteria for their highly trained tactical errors. Which should make you feel super powerful to be able to over ride years of professional police training with your mere womanhood.

If you don’t like these killer police manufactured highly patriarchal rescue services they will be angry at you and send snitches and phoney activists and more corrupted cops to make parasitic bad media on your back. They will post poorly written DA reports to lie about you, gaslighters to gaslight you, violent assaulters to assault you, rapists that will rape you, stalkers to stalk you, thieves that will rob you, fake rumors that will fake rumor you. And shitty cops reporters named Shoshana Walter the Cyber Terrorists to destroy the small joy you have recovered after surviving the original police manufactured and then botched rescue. These Oakland pigs are fucking walleyed, corrupted ass human rights violating, child trafficking, woman haters as usual, also known as misogynists.

And don’t even think of making a rape report, they have a 10 year backlog of responding to the rape of women and they literally have Officer Gantt in the Oakland Police department destroying the evidence in rape cases. Yes he was federally indicted for doing exactly that. And they have another guy indicted for murder running the internal affairs so that explains a lot.

The politicians are self serving scum who will ignore your pleas for justice and you will bounce from department to department with no relief for your injuries and the system failures.

Despite my sarcastic tone and these horrific real experiences- This is happening to innocent women and we really want you to know~

This is a women’s rights issue!

How do we protect ourselves in the face of Patriarchal Violence in the absence of political and community accountability plus the lack of an effective police force?


#Metoo #PublicSafety #WomensRights #HumanRights


Beware = save yourself and your family the effects of cruel and failed Police interventions by building systems in 2018 that provide women the safety we need and deserve.

Update it is almost 2020 and the OPD + DA= CITY GOV is still hella foul with no changes made at all.

Le Sigh……these incompetent assholes




Victims of Crime Deserve Rights



No victim of crime would ever volunteer to forever waive their rights to privacy about the crimes they survived, and yet the system is doing exactly that without providing prior notice to any woman attacked in her home that the record of her attack including the felonies of her assailants would forever follow HER in public record. We need to unite and create legislation that will forever ban this unconscionable life sentence for victims.


People who are charged with a crime are read Miranda rights prior to making statements, in light of the current failure for the system to adequately protect innocent people-we need to make our own Victims Rights. I am going to start with this basic outline based upon my experience of rights victims of crime need to have if they are going to live with dignity after surviving horrific crimes.



  1. To be informed prior to making a Victims statement that anything they say to police as a Victim of crime will become public record and posted onto google.
  2. The right to not make any victim statement or have any made about them by police in public record.
  3. The express right to not provide personal details about being Victimized because those will later end up on google and follow the innocent Victim of crime for life.
  4. The right to know the  felonies of each of the Victims assailants will be posted to the public record of the victim.
  5. To be informed about these Victim Rights- and then the right to not report any crime or have any crime reported about them due to understanding that the reporting of the crime will result in the loss of rights listed above which will forever mark innocent victim with a criminal record despite not having committed a single crime.
  6. The right to be notified when personal information is going to be released, and the right to be adequately protected when the release of personal victim information causes the exact hardship that one would reasonably assume would be caused by such systemic inhumanity.

The Innocent Are Now Protected

Dear To whom it may concern,

I am only awaiting confirmation that you will voluntarily adhere to California Law, reasonable and ethical conduct in your future interactions with innocent victims of crime without being further encouraged. The confirmation that you are also currently seeking what best protects the vulnerable citizenry from dangerous predators- who prior to my heroic, and effective intervention were being intentionally endangered by your obtuse and unconscionable conduct.

You are again provided notice that the innocent are now rightfully protected from your unlawful and unethical aggression.

Warmest Regards,



Crime Victims; Taking Your Rights Back Clinic



Taking Your Rights Back from an Injurious Judiciary After Surviving Crime

DA Nancy O’Malley Dishonest in the Swanson Report, Lacks Credibility

Police Department and Elected District Attorney  are lacking in credibility! Innocent victims of crime demand justice!

Nancy OMalley was horribly dishonest in her testimony in the Swanson Report, claiming she has had no knowledge of police criminal conduct. She has been lying about the criminal conduct of Oakland Police for years, her failure to do the due diligence legally required of her office is the reason why the police have been allowed to become rogue. Nancy wants to pretend to not see, pretend to not know, but when directly notified of OPD criminal conduct she blocks the whistle blower from contacting her office instead of responding with a professional investigation. Nancy OMalley lacks credibility, lacks professional ethics, and for decades Nancy OMalley has betrayed the public trust. Nancy has encouraged OPD to fall into such a dismal state by neglecting the obligations of her office to prosecute all crime including those bad apples in the police department. Nancy should be recalled immediately for the newly revitalized Oakland to rebuild a working city. We deserve a better more sustainable system of justice, dare we dream of a functional city government and police department. We need to rid ourselves of the fat useless bureaucrats that have grown obese on our taxpayer dime. Together we can build a great Oakland if we clean out the old bloated political cows and wasteful dusty clutter that is stopping human progress.

See more about the fight of innocent victims of crime to have our names cleared by clicking here NANCY O’MALLEY In Violation of Marsy’s Law Failing to Protect Crime Victim Rights.



We are innocent crime victims who were attacked in our own homes only to be attacked again by the corrupted DA. We demand our Constitutional Rights!!! Make a complaint about the dismal state of Oakland Justice by contacting the Department of Justice and making a complaint by clicking here ACTION ITEMS PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS

And the most essential question that every innocent victim of crime should be asking themselves before calling police; Can you afford to be a victim of crime and have those reports of your victimization following you in a public record for your entire life? Innocent people who do not want their lives ruined by the corrupted city of Oakland judicial system have no options but to engage in self rescue, self defense, and self care at all times, there are no safe saviors  and the politicians don’t care about our human rights.

The innocent people of Oakland will no longer be held hostage to the criminality of city government, we will no longer be pawns to promote their careers while they are providing ineffective, and intentionally harmful services to the human beings who pay them.

Felons have a process to have their records expunged why don’t innocent victims of crime have that same ability? See more by clicking here FELONS HAVE A PROCESS TO CLEAR THEIR NAMES, BUT WHY DON’T INNOCENT VICTIMS OF CRIME HAVE THAT SAME ABILITY?

The voters should no longer allow these types of transgressions to grow and fester in the Oakland Judicial System, it erodes public trust and keeps the city from functioning. We need to get better people in these jobs. These elected officials who do not operate with integrity have destroyed the spirit of our vibrant and loving community.

Nancy OMalley District Attorney jurisprudence services are injurious and the justice is unjust. Innocent victims of crime and corruption demand improvements!

Recall DA Nancy OMalley  By clicking here RECALL NANCY O’MALLEY





The DA John Creighton was publishing falsified Homicide reports containing falsified victim witness statements to google searches of innocent crime victims. Why was a district attorney essentially giving these innocent victims defacto criminal records with pages upon pages of convoluted and invented police records? These reports were discovered when threatening strangers claiming to be cops began contacting innocent victims at their homes threatening these innocent people with physical harm.

John was found to be posting these falsified homicide reports to google searches along with a co-conspirator. These falsified reports were also signed off on by Nancy OMalley and contain sections of her emails to the former police chief about clearing officer involved homicides and their plan to discredit witnesses to their crimes. This directly contradicts her previous claims that she had no knowledge of police wrong doing or harassment of the public. John may have committed these crimes against these innocent people but his motivations were aligned with the desire of Nancy OMalley to cover up problems in the police department instead of investigate as she is legally required to do. All of these people seem to have ulterior motives to tamper with homicide cases.  John should have been charged as a criminal by Nancy if she cared about doing her job, but instead John was forced to retire. The forced retirement is typical Nancy OMalley tactic that she and the city have used to avoid their job prosecuting the corruption at OPD. She did the same thing when presented with the Federal Indictment for Murder against the Internal Affairs Chief. Nancy ignored the Federal Indictment and encouraged/allowed the Murdering Chief to retire with his full pension costing the city millions and damaging the public trust. Her tactic has repeatedly been to cover up the problem, ignore and deny  instead of deal with her obligations under law. And although John was forcefully retired due to his attacks on these innocent victims of crime and his intentional falsifying of homicide records that he was using to smear these innocent victims of crime in online searches, the problems in the DA office have not been cleaned up. The public cannot have an elected DA encouraging her staff to act cyber terrorist against innocent people then force one person to retire and pretend she had nothing to do with these crimes when she is named in his falsified reports.

John was very angry at me for having complained about his criminal conduct demanding the constitutional rights afforded me by the Law. John Creighton (pronounced cretin) and Nancy OMalley acted in retaliation against innocent people for having told the truth. They are the perfect example of the dirty dealings that have lead to years of lawsuits. This lawless conduct by officials have disparaged the City of Oakland, destroyed the trust in the local judicial system.  Nancy OMalley has been ignoring the problems and pretending to not see the problems for decades. Nancy OMalley’s lack of professional ethics has encouraged the festering corruption to grow and she has lost all credibility.

John further examples the  lack of professional conduct that is displayed in the Nancy OMalley DA office and to further example their lack of ethics here is a nasty email sent from their office which I am posting here. Please note the Nancy OMalley DA office employee sensitivity to victims of crime who seek answers to why they are being threatened by people claiming to be cops and why the DA won’t take action to protect them. This is blatant gaslighting  by an employee of Nancy OMalley. Despite feeling very happy John will not be in the DA office to hurt any more women or taint any future homicide cases the lack of accountability in the Nancy OMalley DA office is more than just this one worker, it is the boss Nancy herself that lacks credibility and ethics.

I had gladly moved on with my life until the DA intentionally harmed my recovery. These actions caused a creep to begin contacting me and threatening my family directly from the false reports the DA was publishing. The District Attorney ruined the life I had worked 5 years rebuilding by releasing the Cyber Terrorism Against Innocent Victims of Crime Disinformation Campaign into online searches targeting my small Art business and casusing me to be a victim of secondary crime and assault after I barely survived a homicide. No innocent victim of crime should have their lives, good names, and small business economy destroyed intentionally by these kinds of malicious acts of terrorism by people in the District Attorneys office. Honest citizens and taxpayers employ these officials to uphold the law and not to be abusive offenders against the innocent.


Mar 25 (1 day ago)


“I was forced to retired from the DA’s office effective March 10th.

Creighton, John, DA”

I am very proud that my poorly written diatribes caused his career to end @ Poorly written diatribes that end corrupted DA careers and protect innocent women of Oakland,  by the Artist formerly known as “_____________.”

Let them know I would be happy to “get on with my life” if they would end the Terrorism + Cyber Terrorism Disinformation Campaign . Clear my good name, stop the harassment and danger to my family.  Leave Me Alone to “Get On With My Life!” Innocent people shouldn’t have to fight this kind of blatant corruption when these paid officials like Nancy and John have enough to do at their real job which would be protecting, serving, upholding the Constitution and not terrorizing innocent victims of crime.


(John) Creighton/ pronounced Cretin Creighton Definition / pronounced Cretin see also

definition of creighton.JPG

Please see Marsy’s Law that actually prohibits the exact actions of Nancy OMalley and John Creighton by clicking here